To find out if your car has been towed,  contact the San Mateo police department 650 522-7710.

1.  Every Homeowner receives two unique numbered parking permits. The original permits must be hung from the rear view mirror or displayed on the dashboard at all times while on Bay Breeze property.  Photocopies of permits are not allowed under any circumstances.

These permits allow one motor vehicle to be parked in the secured area: and one motor vehicle to be parked in the unsecured covered area. Continuous parking in the unsecured covered area is restricted to 72 hours and may be subject to towing at the owner’s expense.

2.  Homeowners may only store two bicycles or one motorcycle directly in front of their car, next to the wall, in the secured parking area only. These bicycles or vehicles cannot block or obstruct adjacent homeowner parking or access doors. If they are not properly stored, a fine will be assessed to the Homeowner. No other items may be stored in the parking stall.

3.  Cars are to be parked legally while on Bay Breeze premises. Cars parked in the handicapped spot must have a valid handicap sign and a Bay Breeze parking permit displayed in the window. Cars illegally parked anywhere on Bay Breeze property, including the handicapped spot, the fire lanes and in front of the dumpsters, will be towed at the vehicle owner’s expense.

4.  Parking permits may be transferred from one car to another, if needed. If a parking permit is lost, the homeowner can purchase a replacement from the Management Company for $50.00.  

5.  Numbered parking permits will be given only to Homeowners. Tenants must obtain parking permits from their landlord. The Board or the Management Company will not release parking permits to tenants.

6.  Parking permits are assigned to each Homeowner and are to remain with the unit (i.e. if the unit is sold, transferred, etc. the valid parking permits are to be turned over to the new owner). Reported lost or stolen parking permits are immediately voided.

7.   Parking permits may not be assigned, transferred between parties, sold or given to any other unit owner without the written authorization of the Board.

8. Unregistered/inoperable vehicles are not to be stored on the complex property at any time.



707 933-9151



Woodside Way
San Mateo, CA



P.O. Box 1368

Sonoma CA 95476


Private Security 
